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About Us
Waiting to Exhale for Jesus Ministries is in it's 21st year! To God be the Glory! We thank God for his Grace and the Mercy that follows. We have two Locations where God has blessed the Ministry to expand so that His work will go forth to allow women everywhere who hunger and thirst after righteousness receive their breakthrough.
Waiting to Exhale for Jesus Ministries Ministers to women all over the world, no matter their nationality. We are a Ministry that "Caters to YOUR Spiritual Needs "We Minister to Women who have been hurt, broken, both Spiritually and Mentally, used, misunderstood and abused, women who are seeking direction for their life, and women who desires a stronger and closer relationship with God.
We also embrace outreach ever opportunity we get. "It's all about the Kingdom" Along the way we have also birthed a teen ministry; YLOAM (Young Ladies on a Mission) We are grateful for all that God has done, and still doing, and look forward to a awesome year!
Let’s Work Together
Waiting to Exhale for Jesus Ministries has 2 Locations:
Charleston, South Carolina & Lanham, Maryland
Come and Join us. You’ll be glad you did!